
Entrepreneur_ Innovator,
Growth Hacker, Gamer_ and
Tony Stark Addict.

The belief

People are the most important thing. Business model and product will follow if you have the right people.


Business and Technology pacesetter with 11+ years of success strategizing and leading organizations at the brink of digital change and growth. History of leveraging existing and emerging technologies, uncovering opportunities, and directing trailblazing strategies to improve operations, develop leading-edge products, and increase marketability for forward-moving companies.

Deep expertise in business management strengthened by intellectual curiosity, entrepreneurial experience and grounded in real-world technical experience, providing the foundation for next-generation ideas, development, and implementation.

Experience working in over 18+ domains and with 750+ clients globally and have won over 14+ entrepreneurial awards.


UMM Digital UK, dubai & India

CEO & Founder

Bigbox videoshopping

CEO & Founder


Co-founder, Lead Designer & COO

Belfrics blockchain global

Chief Innovation Officer

Get in touch.

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